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Maine Coon Kittens



Sold KATIE SHELHORSE OF VIRGINIA HAS GIVEN ASPEN AND HER LITTERMATE PICABOO A NEW FAMILY FOR CHRISTMAS!!! Aspen is a beautiful solid blue kitten with thick plush fur and a happy, fun, "I'm in charge" personality. Her olive green eyes pick up whatever color is around her. Her ear tips are really prominent now and she is getting more magnificent every day. She will light up the holidays and beyond for Katie and her family, including Picaboo! Click the images below to see more of this very special solid blue Maine Coon kitten.

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Sold KATIE SHELHORSE OF VIRGINIA IS GIVING PICABOO AND HER LITTERMATE ASPEN A NEW FAMILY FOR CHRISTMAS!!! Picaboo is the sweetheart of the rodeo. She loves to play hide and seek, but when you pick her up, she melts into a a big puddle of cuddle. And she never gets tired of snuggling. Her coat is silky, and her ear tips are already so big they curl backward in the breeze. This girl is almost but not quite solid black. She has just a tiny touch of white on her chest and long white hairs scattered throughout her coat. She loves to watch Aspen play while she cuddles, and thanks to Katie, she'll always get to do that!

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Sold MIKAELA IS NOW IN CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA TO BE THE NEW OWNER OF VALERIE KILGORE AND HER HUSBAND BRIAN FIDAZZO!!! In a touching tribute to my late wife Peyton, Mikaela now has a new name--Mispy, which is a play on "Miss P." Valerie and all the Kilgores have been close friends of the Pennington family for 50 years, and gestures like that are why the Penningtons have always adored the Kilgores so. Mispy is a little darker shade of blue than her sister Aspen, but her personality is just as bright. And she is so very photogenic! She is a lovable, curious, inquisitive little girl who delights in finding something new to play with every day. And she can snuggle with the best of them. She likes to throw a demure look that melts the heart instantly. I am so happy she is now with Valerie and Brian.

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Sold ADOPTED BY THE VENTRESCOS AND SOON TO BE MASSACHUSETTS BOUND! Tahoe is a fearless boy, rushing to greet everyone who comes within his sight. He plays hard and cuddles soft. He is pretty sure he's special. His new owners are pretty sure too.

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Sold CLAIMED BY TAHOE VENTRESCO OF MASSACHUSETTS! That's right, Tahoe insisted that the Ventrescos get his brother Bode too. So the Ventrescos will have not one but two Maine Coon kittens climbing their Christmas tree this year. They have been advised to tie their ornaments on the tree, not hang them! All my kids call Bode "the feisty one." From the beginning, he was willing to throw elbows at his littermates to get to what he wanted. He and Tahoe play hard under the watchful eye of their mother Blue Angel, just like brothers.

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Captain Jack

Sold Captain Jack can steal your heart with a single glance. He is a big, super sweet, oh so playful boy with rare and beautiful ice blue eyes that change to lavender in certain light. He also sports a white tipped tail like a fox. His facial expressions exude pure love and complete trust. At feeding time, he tries to climb my leg. He is not interested in the food--he wants some loving first. He loves to be hugged and kissed more than anything else in this world. He and Ringo are best buds. Ironically, Ringo has a white ring around the dark part of his tail, and Captain Jack has a black ring around the white tip of his tail! Anyone wanting them both will get a big discount just because they are such a perfect pair, and the thought of someone keeping them together makes my heart smile.

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Sold Ringo named himself. He has a white ring around his tail. Unlike the characters in the Lord of the Rings, possession of the Ring only makes this little guy more fun. Ringo also has another unique feature--one black ear tip and one white ear tip. He also has a happy-go-lucky personality behind his bedroom blue eyes, and he is magically photogenic. Ringo is the most confident and outgoing boy in his litter. He will insist that you play with him. He and Captain Jack are constant playmates and have a very fun bond, so if anybody wants them both I am happy to offer a special discount just to see them stay together.

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Grendel (a/k/a Ziggy)

Sold ADOPTED BY AMY AND MATTHEW STOKES OF FORT WALTON BEACH, FLORIDA!!! If you like a Maine Coon that looks like the ones that were running wild in the woods of Maine 200 years ago, Grendel would be your boy! He is going to have all the classic Maine Coon features: a big shaggy coat, the ears of a lynx, snowshoe paws and a big ol'ruff. But although his look is wild, his personality is not. He is calm, confident, curious and friendly. He loves to snuggle as much as he loves to play. He's the kind of kitten that'll keep somebody warm on a cold winter night and then rub cold noses the next morning. Lucky somebody if you ask me. The Stokes are going to be those lucky somebodies. Grendel's forever name will be Ziggy!

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Sold ADOPTED BY THE COOPERS AND HEADED TO MARIETTA, GEORGIA!!! With stunning blue eyes and a coat of many colors, Dolly could win any female kitten beauty pageant in America, and she'd win Miss Congeniality too! She lights up a room not only with her looks, but with her over the top, make friends with everybody personality! Even lying on her back asleep she is the prettiest thing in the room. Rumor has it her new owners Caroline and Rebekah plan to name her Luna and nickname her Smush. As many hugs as this gal is bound to get, that nickname is sure to fit!

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Sold SOON TO BE IN THE ARMS OF ROXANNE QUICK IN FLORIDA!!! Tiger has beautiful red and silver mixed with black in an array of unique patterns throughout her coat. The look on her face is precious, part concern, part affection, part sweet innocence. And that is exactly her personality. She has a wonderful life ahead of her with Roxanne. Tiger is already destined to be spoiled rotten.

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Pooh Bear (a/k/a Rosco)

Sold NOW WITH THE CAREY FAMILY IN RHODE ISLAND! These bluest of blue eyes are filled with trust, a longing for love, and a promise of devotion. They look directly into your soul for the stuff that unbreakable bonds are made of. His disposition is pure uncluttered sweetness. And he is so cute that you want to check him for a wind-up key because he can't possibly be real! This one was really, really hard for me to let go. I literally had tears streaming down my face most of the way to meet the Careys' flight nanny at the Atlanta airport. But the thought of the joy I have now seen on the faces of the Carey kids -- Ciara, Adam, Davina and Angelina-- truly makes my heart smile. They are already in love with this boy (and his beautiful sister Honeybee aka Freya), and they have unanimously named this heartthrob Rosco.

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Honeybee (a/k/a Freya)

Sold HONEYBEE AND HER BROTHER ROSCO ARE NOW BRINGING ENDLESS LAUGHTER AND FUN TO THE CAREY FAMILY IN RHODE ISLAND!!! Honeybee (whose forever name will be Freya) and Pooh Bear (whose forever name will be Rosco) loved each other too much to be separated. As the only two in their litter, their bond had become unmistakably visible. I am so glad the Careys decided to get them both! Freya is a gorgeous blue-eyed lovebug. She is intelligent, friendly and fun, and her coat is as luxurious as it is colorful. She has a calm, confident and curious nature, and loves cuddling and playing in equal measure. She is as sweet as Tupelo honey and a lot more snuggly. She loves to watch her brother Rosco flirt with new people for awhile before joining in. When left to their own devices, they might as well be attached to each other. They sleep together, explore together, and play together. Together, they are an absolute joy to behold. And thanks to the Careys, together they shall always be!

View more pics of Honeybee (a/k/a Freya)


Sold GOING NORTH TO THE WONDERFUL PATENAUDE FAMILY IN QUEBEC!!! Hiawatha is a gorgeous classic Maine Coon. This is the original Maine Coon look-- the look that led European settlers to believe that these big Maine forest cats were a cross between a wild cat and a racoon--"Maine Coons." Nothing wild about Hiawatha, though. She is a happy-go-lucky girl who loves to play and loves to snuggle. Her ear tips are starting to come on strong and are growing every day. Hiawatha gives the boys all they can handle in their daily wrestling matches. I just love her markings and her classic Maine Coon beauty! Her new family named her Szyszka, pronounced "Shishka," which is Polish for "Pine Cone."

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Pumpkin Spice

Sold NOW LIGHTING UP THE HOME OF ALEXIS, ANTHONY AND GRACIE CAPRIA IN NEW JERSEY!!! Pumpkin Spice is now Stevie! She is a gorgeous black and orange torbie with white accents. She and her littermates sounded like thunder when they were playing in the bedrooms above my living room. And this pretty girl is the one they all seemed to want to play with most. She loved to flirt with her littermates with all kinds of prances and pounces and hits and runs. I can't wait to see pics of her all grown up! With her precious black heart shaped nose and her golden orange adornments, she is going to be absolutely gorgeous! It took her just 2 days to win the heart of her new housemate, a beautiful adult Savannah cat named Gracie!

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Sold SOON TO BE JOINING SEPTEMBER KITTENS TAHOE AND BODE AS MEMBERS OF THE FABULOUS VENTRESCO FAMILY IN BOSTON!!! Axel has a stylish white swoosh under his right eye, highlighting the twinkle in his eye and giving him a certain panache that others can only envy. He is quick to come out and greet you when you walk in, and he plays till all his littermates are exhausted. Chase, tag, king of the mountain, Greco-Roman wrestling, you name it, he's good at it! But when you pick him up and kiss him on the nose, he becomes a little snugglebug. That's exactly what you want in a kitten! Axel is big and sturdy, full of fun, and full of love. And he is about as handsome as they come!

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Sold SOON TO OWN THE PEREZ-VERZINI FAMILY IN BOSTON!!! Takoda is a Sioux word meaning "friend to all." And that describes this boy to a tee. He loves humans and cats alike, and is curious about everything new. He readily accepts attention from anyone. With other kittens, Takoda plays aggressively and is usually the first to instigate playtime with his littermates. With people, he has a vast repertoire of sweet looks he can throw to get absolutely anything he wants. And boy can he pose for a picture! This boy is going to own Marcelo and his family, not vice versa!

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High Praise From Owners of Past Kittens from the Amazing Kings and Queens We Have Acquired From Moosehead

Unique & Purebred

Maine Coon Cats

Responsibly and Selectively Bred on a Peaceful Farm
Called Reunion’s Doorstep near Dothan, Alabama

Unique & Purebred Maine Coon Cats

Responsibly and Selectively Bred on a Peaceful Farm
Called Reunion’s Doorstep near Dothan, Alabama